
Organizational Network Analysis
ONA, is the process of analyzing department, employee, and external partner digital communication flow and visualizing all the outcomes on a dashboard to have actionable insights.
Benefit from insights
Have a closer oversight of communication pulse in between and inside the departments
Understand the effects of metrics like work duration, gender, age, location on decision making process
Measure the cost of partnerships, and decide next steps
Inboxage Platform will build your organization's "relationship table", and with this graph, you will have a better view of digital communication among your employees, their clients, suppliers, and partners.
Workforce planning
Support strategic planning of workforce
Measure and plan work place change effects
Data-driven analysis structure enables you to measure optimal efficiency for local and remote working models
Work engagement
The workforce is conducting your organization's success. The employees who are loyal to their positions are the ones who are creating that leverage
Visibility of your employee's sensibility will help you to better encourage them for their contribution
Analysis About Departments
Measure your most valuable asset, workforce
Make decisions by using detailed analytical data
See and control issues before they become a problem
For insights that promote success use Inboxage Organizational Network Analysis platform
(HiPO : High Potential) Discover "hidden stars" in your organization
Deeply analyze your workforce pool
Determine candidates for "Career-path" and "Manager-potential" planning
Hybrid Work
Organizational Network Analysis helps you to build guidance for getting back to work
Remote work and digital partnership planning
Which work environment (remote, local, hybrid) is the most productive for which department